
João de Sousa

Quarta-feira, Setembro 18, 2024

Is my son still alive?

Isabel Lourenço
Isabel Lourenço
Observadora Internacional e colaboradora de porunsaharalibre.org

Asked mother of Mohamed Lamin Haddi – Saharawi political prisoner from the Gdeim Izik Group, on a hunger strike.

Mohamed Lamin Haddi is today on his 48th day of the Hunger strike, which he started the last 13th of January. (more information please see here: Search Results for: haddi)

The Moroccan authorities refuse to acknowledge Mr. Haddi’s hunger strike and did not enter any dialogue with the political prisoner except issuing death threats. His lawyer Maitre Olfa Ouled has informed all Moroccan authorities three days after the start of the hunger strike and questioned the responsible Kings’ procurator.

This morning Haddi’s mother, sister, and brother went to Tiflet2 prison but were not allowed to enter, see or speak with him-

As can be seen in the video below the family demands to see him “dead or alive!” and accuse the Prison administration to try to cover up the death of the political prisoner.

“If he is alive let me speak to him and if he is dead show him to me!”, demands his mother in desperation.

Video transcript:

Saharawi political prisoner of the Gdem Izik group, Mohamed Lamin Haddi, reached the 48th day of his hunger strike oft he 1st of March 2021

“48 days, Mohamed Lamin Haddi will die and we are not allowed to see him. Shame on you.

I am standing here in front of the prison. They did not allow me to visit him. They have turned me away.

I am the mother of Mohamed Lamin Haddi. He is from the Gdem Izik group and he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

He started the hunger strike 48 days ago. I set out from ElAaiun to visit him in Tiflet2 prison.

The international organizations announce the death of Mohamed Lamin Haddi and that the Moroccan prison staff is hiding his death. Mohamed Lamin is no longer alive.
This means that they murdered him.

They did not allow us to go in or see him. This is Tiflet2 prison.

They are hiding Mohamed Lamin. They didn’t let us in, if he is still alive, bring him out and if he is dead bring him out!

I have to see my son today, no matter if they murder me, arrest me or anything else. I have to see my son today.”


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