
João de Sousa

Segunda-feira, Setembro 9, 2024

Urgent appeal to the United Nations SG launched by MDM

Isabel Lourenço
Isabel Lourenço
Observadora Internacional e colaboradora de porunsaharalibre.org

The Democratic Women’s Movement and International Democratic Federation of Women sent an urgent appeal to the United Nations Secretary-General, calling on the United Nations and other organisations with responsibilities in the process of independence of Western Sahara.

The Democratic Women’s Movement (MDM) and International Democratic Federation of Women (FDIM) sent an urgent appeal to the United Nations Secretary-General which was signed by organisations from Portugal and Latin America, calling on the United Nations and other organisations with responsibilities in the process of independence of Western Sahara. According to the MDM, all limits of decency in the application of United Nations resolutions have been exceeded and stresses that in Portugal and in the world, “movements and personalities are moving for human rights and against genocide in this last African colony “.

The text contains a set of appeals for pragmatic actions to alleviate the Saharawi people’s suffrage, to respect and implement the dozens of relevant United Nations resolutions.


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