
João de Sousa

Sexta-feira, Fevereiro 14, 2025

Saharawi political prisoner reaches 28 days of Hunger Strike

Isabel Lourenço
Isabel Lourenço
Observadora Internacional e colaboradora de porunsaharalibre.org

Haddi, saharawi political prisoner reaches 28 days of Hunger Strike, receives death threats and his family house was attacked.

The Saharawi political prisoner Mohamed Lamin Haddi of the Gdeim Izik group, currently detained in Tiflet2, started a hunger strike on the 13th of January[1].

Mr. Haddi who reached today 28 days of his hunger strike, was visited yesterday afternoon by a nurse from the prison.

Mohamed Lamin Haddi

The Nurse started to menace Mr. Haddi saying that if he wouldn’t stop the hunger strike he would be sent to the “Kacho” isolation/punishment cell although Mr. Haddi is in prolonged solitary confinement since 2017. The “Kacho” is feared by all prisoners in Moroccan prisons, as it is a tiny space without ventilation that resembles a box or a coffin.

The menace transformed itself in a death threat when the Nurse added that if Mr. Haddi doesn’t stop his hunger strike the prison administration will not allow him to have water and withdraw the water bottles that he has in his cell.

Furthermore, the Nurse said that the prison had no knowledge of the hunger strike and that Mr. Haddi should request a “meeting” with the Tiflet2 prison administration to inform them and consequently ask for a doctors appointment.

Mr. Haddi refused to ask for a meeting and will not stop the hunger strike.

His French lawyer,  Maitre Olfa Ouled had sent a complaint[2] to the prosecutor of the King last 16th of November, with copies to the DGARP((Moroccan General Delegation of the Penitentiaries and Reinsertion Administration), the CNDH (Moroccan National Human Rights Council) and the Moroccan Ministry of Justice.

On the 19th of January Mr. Haddi was visited by a representative of the DGAPR[3] to whom Haddi transmitted that he refused to stop the hunger strike until he is in another prison and nearer to his family.

It is clear that the prison is well informed about the hunger strike.

This new menace and the statement that the prison administration is not informed of the Hunger Strike, through a Nurse that had as only task to transmit this information, since she did not take the blood pressure, nor verified the weight of Mr. Haddi nor any normal medical proceeding in case of a hunger-strike, is more than enough evidence of the extreme ill-treatment and medical neglect Mr. Haddi is subjected to and the complete absence of measures to assure his survival. A blatant violation by the Moroccan authorities of their own laws and the international conventions it has ratified.

This afternoon (9th February 2021) the family house of Mr. Haddi ,in the occupied city of El Aaiun was surrounded by plain cloths Moroccan police which prevented any visit to the family and tried to enter by force into the house.

The family of Mr. Haddi has been denouncing in all social media the plight of the political prisoner, especially his mother who has made several videos calling upon the United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International NGO’s to intervene in her son’s case and on the other political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik Group.

[1] Mohamed Lamin Haddi Saharawi political prisoner in open hunger strike

[2] Mohamed LAMIN HADDI, still in hunger strike, facing Covid 19

[3] Gdeim Izik political prisoners in Tiflet2 visited by Moroccan authorities

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